Ana Alvira circle logo

Stanford Live

Template Design

Publication Layout

Print Production

Art direction by
Hybrid Design & Studio Scott

Located in Silicon Valley, Standford Live presents over 150 events a year. In 2015, Stanford Live changed the format of its performance program to an editorial-based magazine. Working with both the Communications Manager and outside design firm, I advised them in accomplishing this transition.

After several discussions with the client, we decided to finesse initial design templates to achieve three main goals: to create much-needed space for paid advertising, to add extra templates for editorial variety, and to rebuild complex page designs in layout software to meet a fast-paced production schedule.

The images presented are a collection of pages from 2013 to 2020; representing both program and magazine formats. I worked with Stanford Live for six seasons, sending a total of 42 publications to press.

Photo of a Stanford Live Magazine Table of contents page in a Stanford Live Magazine Feature spread in a Stanford Live Magazine Table of contents page in a Stanford Live Magazine Feature spread in a Stanford Live Magazine Upcoming events calendar in a Stanford Live Magazine Upcoming events calendar and table of contents pages in a Stanford Live Magazine Sneak Peak news feature in a Stanford Live Magazine Midori performance page in a Stanford Live Magazine